Solar plants

Financing of solar power plants by Sudstroum

Sudstroum positions itself as a producer of renewable energy in Luxembourg by fully finance solar plants over 200 m2 of roof space or car parks with more than 70 spaces.

Solar plants between 20-500 kWp (area from 200 m²)

The “No Worries” formula is suitable for customers who wish to produce their own energy, while benefiting from a turnkey solution. In this case, installation and maintenance are the responsibility of Sudstroum for 15 years. Throughout this period, Sudstroum assumes responsibility for the proper functioning of the photovoltaic power plant.

Note :

Following the new Grand-Ducal regulation of 12 April 2019 concerning the connection point, it is now possible to install several photovoltaic installations for the same address provided that a period of 2 years is respected between each installation.


  • The Customer must be the owner of the building (G-D of Luxembourg)
  • Surface 200 m² – 5000 m² roof available in good conditions
  • No shade on the roof
  • South/ East/ West Orientation
  • All production is injected into the network


  • Installation costs are fully supported by Sudstroum
  • Maintenance costs are supported by Sudstroum for 15 years
  • The insurance costs of the solar power plant are supported by Sudstroum for 15 years

The customer is remunerated through a rental contract. The remuneration depends on the injection price as well as the cost of the solar power plant. At the customer’s request, Sudstroum offers the possibility of installing electric charging stations instead of the rental remuneration. The number of charging stations installed obviously depends on the power of the photovoltaic power plant. It is possible, for a large-scale power plant, to receive financial remuneration in the form of rent in addition to the installation of charging stations.

What happens after 15 years?

The solar power plant is transferred to the owner who can continue to inject the production into the network or to make self-consumption. In the latter case, the customer will be responsible for carrying out the electrical modifications. Questions should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Private solar plants

Le client décide d’installer une centrales solaire sur le toit ou en carport. Il y a un certain nombre de étapes à suivre avant d’installer une centrales solaire.

  • Connection Request
  • Contract with the network manager
  • VAT
  • Feasibility
    • Is it possible to plan a solar plant to the roof ? It is important to check this point with the architect who was responsible for the building. In general, it is necessary to count an overload of 15 to 25 kg/m2 for a solar power plant.
    • Is the electrical connection compatible with current regulations (TAB)? The electrician will have to check this point when visiting the customer.
    • Sudstroum / Klima Agence: The customer can contact an advisor from Klima Agence ( directly or their energy supplier directly. However, it is essential to obtain several quotes from specialised companies before starting the project.
  • Profitability:
    • It is essential to obtain several quotes from specialised companies before starting the project.
  • Authorisation: The customer must obtain the agreement of his/her municipality before carrying out the work (buildings policy).
  • Connection Request
    • Territory of Esch/Alzette: The electrician must make a connection request to Sudstroum.
    • Outside the territory of Esch/Alzette: The electrician must get information from the network manager of the customer’s municipality
  • Contract with the network manager: The customer must conclude a buy-back contract with the network manager in the event of partial/total injection of production.
  • VAT: We advise our customers to contact the Registration Administration directly, in order to check the terms and conditions in force.

Fixed rates

The following table corresponds to the injection rate set by Grand-Ducal regulation of 12 April 2019. This rate is valid for 15 years from the commissioning of the plant.

Injection rate for a small solar power plant
Power (KW)Annual Rate 2023 (€/ kWh)Annual Rate 2024 (€/ kWh)Annual Rate 2025 (€/ kWh)
0-10 kW0.15060.1417 0,1374
10-30 kW0.14150.1331 0,1291

Solar power plant without the creation of a cooperative
Power (KW) Annual Rate 2023 (€/kWh) Annual Rate 2024 (€/kWh) Annual Rate 2025 (€/kWh)
30-100 kW0.1194 0.1101 0.1057
100-200 kW0.1150 0.1060 0.1018
200-500 kWnot applicablenot applicablenot applicable
Solar power plant with the creation of a cooperative
Power (KW) Annual Rate 2023 (€/kWh) Annual Rate 2024 (€/kWh) Annual Rate 2025 (€/kWh)
30-100 kW0.1283 0.1182 0.1135
100-200 kW0.1239 0.1142 0.1096
200-500 kW0.11060.10190.0978

Subsidies with guaranteed feed-in tariffs rates for 15 years

With the “Prime house” subsidies, you can obtain up to 20% of the investment cost ( without taxes):

  • Subsidy up to 20% of the investment cost ( without taxes) and is capped at 500 €/kWp
  • Threshold of the solar plant up to 30 kWp
  • A new power meter will be installed
  • Valid for invoices dated from January, 1st 2022 until December, 31st 2025
  • Self-consumption is allowed as well
  • Client is able to create an energy community and share the produced energy with other consumers
  • I receive an feed-in tariff that is guaranteed by the state for a period of 15 years. My feed-in tariff depends on the connection date of the installation, for more details see page « Financial aid programmes for sustainable housing and mobility » under the category « Feed-in tariff
  • An additional photovoltaic installation (on the same roof, façade or integrated into the building envelope) is eligible if its injection to the grid takes place at least 2 years after the first injection of the previous installation.
  • To find out more, I can consult the corresponding regulation.Self consumption: every plant will be connected to the grid however the client is able to consume the energy produced by the plant directly. The Client may as well share the producted energy with neighbours*

The detailed provisions of the new “Klima Bonus” financial aid scheme, including the aid amounts, are illustrated on the Klima-Agency website under: and

The financial aid application forms will be available at as soon as the texts are published in the Official Journal, and in a second time also on

Subsidies with floating prices

This is a newer option with is combined with self consumption. Please find the conditions below:

  • Subsidy up to 62,5 % of the investment cost ( without taxes) and is capped at 1’562.50 €/kWp
  • Threshold of the solar plant up to 30 kWp
  • Valid for orders dated from January 1st 2023 until September 30th 2024 and an invoice dated until 2025-12-31
  • Self-consumption is mandatory ( individual or collective with AER-I / AER-C / CER)
  • Renouncing the guaranteed feed-in tariff for the lifetime of the installation. This option constitutes a firm and irrevocable commitment.
  • Must conclude a buy-back contract with a supplier for the surplus electricity. In most cases a individual/collective self-consumption or energy community is set up.
  • Income from installations > 10 kWp is taxable.
  • An additional photovoltaic installation (on the same roof, façade or integrated into the building envelope) is eligible if its injection to the grid takes place at least 2 years after the first injection of the previous installation.
  • To find out more, I can consult the corresponding regulation.Self consumption: every plant will be connected to the grid however the client is able to consume the energy produced by the plant directly. The Client may as well share the producted energy with neighbours*
  • Quotes (” bon de commande”) signed from October 1st 2024: subsidies of 50% of the investment cost nd is capped at 1’250.00 €/kWp

The detailed provisions of the new “Klima Bonus” financial aid scheme, including the aid amounts, are illustrated on the Klima-Agency website under: and

The financial aid application forms will be available at as soon as the texts are published in the Official Journal, and in a second time also on


  • The plant must not exceed a power of 30 kWp
  • The photovoltaic plant must be installed on the roof or a carport


What is it?

Recently, the customer has had the possibility of directly consuming the electricity produced by his/her installation

Producer: the solar power plant produces electricity which is injected into the network.

Self-consumer: The customer consumes the electricity produced by his/her installation. The specific definition is indicated in art. 1 of the law of 3 February amending the amended law of 1 August 2007 relating to the organisation of the electricity market: “any user of the network producing electricity for its own consumption on the same site”.

Subsidies – help for investment

If the customer decides to waive the injection rate defined by the aid scheme, he/she may benefit from aid up to an amount equal to 62,5 % of the investment cost without however exceeding a ceiling of €1,250/kWp for a plant with a maximum power of 30 kWp.

Quotes (” bon de commande”) signed until 31.12.2022: subsidies of 50% of the investment cost. Even if the solar is live in 2023, the subsidy will remain 50%.

Quotes (” bon de commande”) signed from 01.01.2023: subsidies of 62.5% of the investment cost. Even if the solar is live in 2024, the subsidy will remain 62.5%.

The investment cost includes the cost of purchasing the photovoltaic panels or hybrid solar collectors, the fixing rails, the electrical wiring directly linked to the installation, the inverter, the electrical protections and the two-way meter as well as the costs specific to these eligible items.

The request for subsidies is made after the commissioning of the installation. To benefit from financial aid, the billing date for the installation work must be between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2025. This period is extended until 31 December 2029 if the installation is carried out at the same time as the energy renovation of an existing building.

Financial aid for self-consumption is described in article 3. of the law of 7 April 2022 amending the amended law of 23 December 2016 establishing an aid scheme for the promotion of sustainability, the rational use of energy and renewable energies in the field of housing”. “With regard to photovoltaic installations, the existing support methods, combining investment aid with remuneration for the electricity produced, are maintained, while an alternative model aimed at promoting self-consumption is also put forward. Investments and services for which the invoice is established between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2025 inclusive are eligible under the new regime”.

Art 3. 3° In paragraph 2, the 1st paragraph is replaced as follows:
“     The financial support for solar photovoltaic installations, including for solar photovoltaic installations operated in self-consumption mode or as part of an energy community is capped at 50 percent of the effective costs”.

Energy buy-back contract

The customer will have to sign a buy-back contract with an energy supplier for the excess that is fed back into the grid. The remuneration corresponds to a percentage of the wholesale market price published on the ILR website which varies monthly (

Energy communities

Customers who plan to self-consume their photovoltaic production must subscribe to one of the following plans:

  • AER-C (“Autoconsommateur d’Energies renouvelables collectives” in its French acronym or Self consumer of collective Renewable Energies “): A group of at least two network users, at least one of whom is a renewable energy self-consumer, who act collectively in accordance with paragraph (1 quinquies) and who occupy the same building or residential building behind the same point connection.
  • AER-I (“Self consumer of Individual Renewable Energies): the producer becomes a self consumer.
  • CER (Communauté d’énergie renouvelable” in its French acronym or “Renewable Energy Community”): a CER is defined as a legal person whose members or shareholders are natural persons, SMEs or local authorities, including municipalities, and who are network users whose injection and offtake points are located in the same locality downstream of medium voltage to low voltage electricity transformation stations operated by the distribution network operator concerned. Today, you can share solar and local electricity with several people, thanks to photovoltaic panels installed nearby. Together, you form an energy community made up of producers (having invested in solar panels) and consumers.

If necessary please contact
the Photovoltaic Service on one of the following numbers:

+352 267 837 87 09

+352 621 583 487

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