Electro Mobility

Electro Mobility

SUDSTROUM is part of the national technical group called “Electro-Mobility” and thus oversees the installation and maintenance of the charging stations planned on the territory of the town of Esch-sur-Alzette.

Connection request for charging stations

The below mentioned charging station form needs to be completed for every request.

This form is only valid for the installation of charging stations and cannot be used for any other purpose. The following documents are mentioned in the appendix of the form and must be attached to the application by e-mail or by post. Otherwise, the application will not be processed. The application may be sent by Post / Email ( raccordement@sudstroum.lu. )

Documents à rajouter

  • Photo of the counting board
  • Photo of the main box
  • Photo of meter fuses
  • Plan(s) / photos of the connection

State subsidies

New: The Règlement Grand-Ducal of the subsidy programme for the installation of charging stations will be extended from January 2023 until the 31st of December 2024*. Future subsidies may also be requested for semi-mobile charging stations while leasing is now also supported.

* subject to the finalisation of regulatory and legislative procedures and with retroactive effect to 1 January 2023<br>

Documents à rajouter

  • Subsidies for semi-mobile charging stations
  • Now availalbe as well for Syndic and Associations like ASBL
  • A landlord owning multiple garages may receive subsidies for all of them
  • Cost associated to preparatory work is also subsidized ( up to 450EUR)


Parking placesCharging stationSubsidyApplicants
1-3 parking places Semi-mobile charging station(1) Up to 750 € • Owner
• Tenant
• Property management company
1-3 parking places Simple charging station(1)50% of the purchasing price excluding VAT

Up to 750 €
• Owner
• Tenant
• Property management company
Smart charging station (2) 50 % of the purchasing price excluding VAT

Up to 1.200 €
• Owner
• Tenant
• Property management company
>= 4 parking placesSmart charging station (2) 50 % of the purchasing price excluding VAT

Up to 1.200 €
• Owner
• Tenant
• Property management company
Charging station integrated into a collective smart charging management system (3) 50 % of the purchasing price excluding VAT

Up to 1.650 €
• Owner
• Tenant
• Property management company

(1)complies with connection regulations (TAB)
(2)complies with connection regulations (TAB) + OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol)
(3)complies with connection requirements (TAB) + smart collective system managing all the charging stations in the building
For further information, please contact our Customer service via e-mail: backoffice@sudstroum.lu
Please find additional information on www.klima-agence.lu

Example 1: A small condo /single family house with up to three garages and/ or parking places. In this case it will be possible to install simple charging stations or a smart charging station. The grid owner determines the maximum power authorised for the cadastral parcel. The total power of the charging stations must be lower than or equal to the power authorised by the network manager. Financial aid are listed in the table below.

Example 2: A condo with ten garages and/or parking places. In this case, OCPP charging stations must be installed (version 1.6 or higher) or those managed by a collective smart charging management system are eligible. The charging stations(s) integrated into this system must be connected to the charging management system, i.e. the system must be activated as soon as the first charging station is installed. The network manager determines the maximum power authorised for the cadastral parcel. The total power of the charging stations must be lower than or equal to the power authorised by the network manager. Financial aid is listed in the table below.

« Chargy MKaart »

The “Chary MKaart” card is a personal card which allows you to recharge your vehicle at all charging stations in the Chargy network.

Access to Chargy charging stations with a preferential rate for energy customers and another rate for non-energy customers

Becoming an E-Mobility customer

To become an E-Mobility customer, you may complete the below contract and send it per Email to backoffice@sudstroum.lu. You have also the possibility simply to request it directly at the front desk ( 11, rue de Luxembourg in Esch-sur-Alzette). The Chargy MKaart will be activated within 48 hours.

Only for non-energy customers: the Chargy card will be given to you against a deposit of €15, which will be refunded to you on return.

E-Mobility Rates

Given the recent commissioning of Super Chargy (DC) charging stations, Sudstroum has decided to adapt the rates according to the type (AC/DC) from 1 January 2023.

Invoicing will be done on a monthly basis.

Sudstroum informs its customers that the State has decided to withdraw the subsidy on Chargy prices. Therefore, Sudstroum has adapted the price list for E-Mobility recharge cards. From March 1st, 2025, the following rates will be in effect:

(1) Annual fee for Energy Customer: 12 EUR
(2) Annual fee for Non- Energy Customer: 24 EUR

Note that by subscribing to direct debit as well as electronic billing, you benefit from a discount of €12/year.

Termination of the E-Mobility contract

the client may terminate the contrat at any given time. the below form needs to be completed and send by Email:

  • Return of the E-Mobility card. The termination will take effect on the last day of the current month.

What is the energy quality?

Charging stations are only supplied with renewable energy.

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