From 1 September 2023, the five electricity grid operators will adjust their tariffs for the use of the electricity transmission and distribution grids at all voltage levels, as well as the tariffs directly related to grid use.
The costs for consumers will be significantly reduced by this adjustment.
As the costs of system services charged to the transmission system operator decrease significantly compared to the estimates in autumn 2022, and in accordance with Article 15bis of the amended Regulation ILR/E20/22 of 26 May 2020, the system operators submitted an application to the Institut Luxembourgeois de RĂ©gulation (ILR) to adjust these tariffs.
These applications were approved on 1 August 2023, can be consulted on the ILR website and will apply from 1 September 2023.
The new tariff sheet and the adapted catalogue of services will be published our Website on the following menu